Wish Farms Marketing Muscle - Wish Farms

Wish Farms Marketing Muscle


Last week Wish Farms was featured in the Packer by writer Doug Ohlemeier.

Ohlemeier touched base on the growth of acreage of Wish Farms;”This season, the grower-shipper plans to ship around 4 million flats from 1,500 acres, up from more than 3 million flats last year. The acreage figure reflects a 20% increase,” said Gary Wishnatzki, president and chief executive officer.

More land=MORE produce for the rest of us!


The Packer also explained how Wish Farms plans to expand our Marketing efforts. Our marketing team is propelling full force to resonate in the households of families everywhere!

“In early December, Wish Farms hired Danielle Dominguez as marketing and promotions coordinator.

Dominguez joins Amber Kosinsky, Wish Farms’ director of marketing, to help support the company’s promotional efforts. Elizabeth Peterson, social media and public relations manager and Wishnatzki’s daughter, also helps but is on maternity leave, Kosinsky said.

Amber Kosinsky
Amber Kosinsky

“With the whole branding and consumer connection, there are a lot of opportunities now to be able to connect with the consumers,” Kosinsky said. “It’s still a challenge to find the best route to go, but social media isn’t as expensive as traditional advertising. If you wanted to build a brand in the past, it was very expensive and not very practical. Now there are opportunities out there that didn’t exist five years ago.”

One way Wish Farms attempts to help its retailer better plan for running strawberry promotions is through a forecasting technique developed in 2006 by a University of Florida’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences researcher.

Originally developed to track production of the popular festival variety, Wish Farms modified the tool that counts blooms to provide retail customers berry shipment forecasts three to four weeks out.

Read the full article here.

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