Football Strawberries - Wish Farms

Football Strawberries

20 Minutes


  • 1 Package of Fresh Wish Farms Strawberries
  • Almond Bark (Chocolate-flavored and white-chocolate flavored)
  • Tooth Picks
  • Parchment Paper


  1. Gently rinse and pat dry Wish Farms Strawberries
  2. Melt both flavors of almond bark in separate microwave safe dishes for 1 minute and then in 30 second intervals as needed.
  3. Push a toothpick into the top of each strawberry to create a place to hold, then dip strawberries into chocolate-flavored almond bark
  4. Let the excess chocolate drip off and place onto a parchment papered cookie sheet
  5. Once first dipped layer has hardened, pipe on football design with white-chocolate flavored almond bark
  6. Serve!