It’s half way through the month and let’s face it….about 50% of us have probably gotten a little lazy with our new year fitness and health resolutions.
Getting up early to work out and eat a salad instead of a burger everyday can be tough, but don’t worry! We have come up with a sure fire way to reach for fruits and veggies instead of candy and chips.
For many of us…we reach for “the bad stuff” because its easily accessible….the trick to sticking to our goals is to make the healthy stuff just as accessible!
The answer is simple…take an hour each week to prepare your weekly snacks ahead of time. Chop up any of your favorite healthy snacks and leave them in tupperware to last you for the week. This way, when hunger strikes, you will be able to not only eat immediately, but eat better!
Our favorite combos are mixed berries with vanilla yogurt as a dipping sauce or strawberries and peanut butter.
Healthy snacks contain more fiber and nutrients that keep you fuller longer. The lack of bad fat and sugar also keeps your energy going for the entire day!
Thats a win win in our book.
What other ways do you stay healthy? Post a photo to your Instagram or Facebook and tag us with the hashtag, #SweetStartSweeps to enter to win a FitBit and an exclusive Wish Farms infused water bottle!
Click here for more details on the contest.