Wish Farms Stoli Angel Elixir - Wish Farms

Wish Farms Stoli Angel Elixir

5 minutes

This recipe would be ideal for the upcoming New Years festivities. It is a sophisticated drink that pairs a great product in Wish Farms strawberries with dessert wine and Stoli.


  • 3 fresh Wish strawberries, rinsed and hulled
  • 1 ounces Stoli Gala Applik
  • Sprinkle of vanilla sugar
  • Rose Sparkling Dessert Wine
  • Edible gold dust and pink aphrodisiac rose petal


  • Muddle the fresh Wish Farms strawberries with the vanilla sugar.
  • Add Stoli Gala Applik, shake well and strain into a flute.
  • Top with rose sparkling dessert wine.
  • Garnish with edible gold dust and pink aphrodisiac rose petal.